2003 – Dunblane, Scotland

2003 – Dunblane, Scotland

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The Convention was a big success and congratulations are due to all the members of STGA who worked long and hard and came up with so many wonderful ideas. The final dinner at Stirling Castle was a truly inspiring occasion and much appreciated by all participants. We should particularly thank Ros Newlands and her committee, Wilma Kelloe, Mary Kemp Clarke, Fiona MaClaurin, Jan Philip, Sally Spaven and Doreen Boyle as the ever-present Administrator, for their tremendous efforts. 

The Scottish Convention was dedicated to Jane Orde who was our second President and a fine Scottish guide. She was always eager to encourage guides from developing countries to attend our conventions and very aware how difficult it was for them to realize the necessary funds. Thanks to the Androus Foundation which generously donated funds to set up the Jane Orde Scholarship, this year we were delighted to welcome the first two recipients of the Scholarship from the Gambia Mr. Seriff Mballow and from Guatamala Victor José Leal Estevez. 

The auctions-silent and live-raised € 3,137. A proportion of this was put aside for the Jane Orde Fund. We also held a raffle which raised € 503 for the Fund. During our meetings money was also pledged. Howard Chan from Hartco pledged personally an equal amount to that raised by one of the Hartco contributions to the auction, Morocco pledged $100 per year. Turkey pledged $100 per year during Serif Yenen’s president of his association, Aladdin Khalifa, Area Representative for North Africa and the Gulf and a member of the Association in Egypt pledged $50 annually from his own pocket and the Androus Foundation promised to match the WFTGA auction contribution. So the Jane Orde Fund has received a significant increase. However, we hope that each association will add a small amount per member towards the fund when they renew, their membership. 

This fund gives the opportunity to tourist guides from developing countries attend WFTGA conventions. Please keep this in mind. 

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