2005 – Melbourne, Austrailia

2005 – Melbourne, Austrailia

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One of the fundemental reasons the WFTGA was founded was to combat unqualified guiding worldwide. The WFTGA was successful in having Amateurguides.com website removed, which were promoting unqualifed guides. However, after discussions with the webmaster and explaining things clearly the webmaster decided to start another website and this time work with the WFTGA. 

WFTGA has just concluded its 11th Convention in Melbourne, Australia. A new Executive Board was elected. The General Assembly voted on the next convention site – it will be Cairo Egypt in 2007! 

The following colleagues will work as the new Executive Board Members: 

Rosalind Newlands Edinburgh, Scotland UK – Vice President

Houri Nazeritian Oshawa, Canada – Secretary

Johnny Lee Hong Kong, China – Treasurer

Aladdin Khalifa Cairo, Egypt – Executive Board Member

Koula Vassiliou Nicosia, Cyprus – Executive Board Member

Serif Yenen Istanbul, Turkey – Executive Board Member

As president, I am delighted as the entire board is composed of people whom. 

I have worked with over the past years. We will put all our efforts into accomplishing quite a bit for you – our members! 

In the coming circular you will hear more about our goals as well as news of the 2005 Convention, the June 2005 Training project in Cyprus, the outlook for the 2007 Cairo convention, and much, much more. 

We are already looking forward to receiving your reports on your activities on February 21st. so that others might study your programs and get new ideas. Your reports will be published on the wftga.org website and our electronic newspaper “Guidelines Internetion@l”. 

Wishing you every success for your very special International Tourist Guide Day activities on February 21, 2005. 

Your old and new WFTGA President,

Ruby Roy 

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