2011 – Tallinn, Estonia

2011 – Tallinn, Estonia

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The 14th WFTGA Convention took place in Tallinn Estonia from 30th January to 3rd February 2011. The Convention was attended by 200 guides from 42 countries.  The theme for the Convention was CULTURE – A UNIFYING GUIDE.  The keynote speaker was M. Herve Barre from UNESCO HQ.

In 2011 Tallinn will be the European Capital of Culture, The Theme for the Convention – Culture as a Unifying Guide – is that although people in the whole world have different backgrounds, history, traditions, values, religious beliefs etc., as long they love and cherish their own and want to share it with other people, they can understand and respect what is strange and different. In this way culture acts as a guide – helping people to find their way in understanding the world.

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