1997 – Montréal, Canada

1997 – Montréal, Canada

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20-24 January 1997: The 7th WFTGA International Convention In 1997, the APGT hosted the 7th World Federation Tourist Guide Associations Convention in Montréal. The APGT and its members offered a tour in celebration and thanks, for the sponsors of the international convention as well as a night out for all the volunteer members who helped in the preparation.

The convention was a huge success and one of the best WFTGA ever held to date. For a two year period, it was entirely organised by a team of volunteers led by Ruby Roy and Jean Francois Perrier. The convention would not have been possible without the sponsorship and support of the tourism industry partners, the three levels of government and the APGT members.

Lectures and workshops were of the highest standards and the highest quality of tourist guides from 26 countries were present.

Some of lectures and workshops included:

Guiding and the Law, given by Mr. John Downes, Scotland, UK. Patrick Watson gave the presentation on Canada using the Heritage Minutes. Kanatakta, Mohawk of Kahnawake near Montréal, presented Canada’s First Nations.

Some others workshops offered: How to Handle Sensitive Issues, Legal Issues Facing Tourist Guides, Adding Humour to your tour, Story Telling: Using Facts Efficiently, How to Handle Difficult Situations, Guides and Incentive Programs, Mobile workshop on Coach Safety Procedures, Ecotourism and the Urban Environment, Guiding in the Next Millennium, Developing Presentational Skills, Guiding people with Disabilities, Guiding Youth Groups, Fam Tours for the Leisure Market, Proper Diet for Tourist Guides on the Go and Guiding for Journalists.

According to comments made by participants, the convention was a success due to the organisation, warmth of the local Montréal tourist guides, the educational portion, the activities offered as well as the organisation of the pre and post tours. Organised by the APGT members, 266 participants took part from 26 countries.

The WFTGA Training the Trainers Program began for the first time at the Montréal Convention.

Due to the excellent organisation of the 7th WFTGA Convention by the members of the APGT, the APGT Montréal won a ULYSSES in 1998, a tourism prize of excellence. The bid for the prize was prepared by Mr. André Bouthillier.

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