Maricar Donato
Brand Ambassador, Area Representative Liaison
From her early beginnings in the Philippines to establishing her business WashingTours & Events in Washington, DC, Maricar Donato has garnered international experience traveling around the globe from Asia, Europe, Africa, to the Middle East, interacting with representatives of governments and tourism officials. She has been a member of the WFTGA family since her first convention in Montreal in 1997 and has attended 13 Conventions since then.
She was recognized as WFTGA’s First Global Brand Ambassador (GBA) in Nov 2017 and continues to serve as an Area Representative Coordinator and International Trainer. Maricar is a catalyst in bringing people of diverse cultural backgrounds and nationalities and build community to make something beautiful together. As a GBA she is proud to represent the WFTGA and help foster a global presence and generate positive collaboration with tourist guides around the world. She was also recognized as one of the Tourism Heroes by the World Tourism Network in 2020. Her passion for travel, culture and technology has shaped her to what she has become today.
Her message is simple: Take care of one another.